Role: Head of Design Product Design, Branding and Art Direction
Responsibilities include:
Designing for the product interactions based on the requirements and user data.
Managing the branding and design across product, marketing, and sales to cover user touchpoints.
Making decisions for the features in collaboration with PMs and CEO.
Collaborating with developers and data teams to bring the designed wireframes to production.
Problem: Regulatory change managers manually sift through all the regulatory changes to ensure their company is compliant. The problem is keeping up with the fast pace, volume, and complexity of the information from agencies and jurisdictions. is a SaaS solution for modernizing Regulatory Change Management. It ensures that the user receives the right information at the right time.
The projects' fast turnaround allowed me to quickly see the whole process from ideation to completion.
Data visualization: The most effective way of delivering data is by visualizing it for the user. This visualization shows the number of new documents for each financial topic. The bigger the number, the bigger the bubble. This data visualization was developed using the public API and a visual library for WordPress.
I worked closely with the CEO, the data team, and web developers to deliver this interactive data visualization.
Mobile App
Search, Default Filter, Select Document, …
The mobile flow of navigation is shown in above video.
Customizable Dashboard, Responsive Design
The product is designed based on users’ needs and requests. Every product feature is designed with a user-centric approach, checking the current flow of information and user interactions and creating the most straightforward yet robust system for interactions. I was responsible for designing the systems and features within the product.
Systems, Features and Interactions
Automatic Workflow and Tasks System: Entirely driven by users’ requests and needs.,the workflow system enables a team of users to create workflows and assign tasks, automating the otherwise manual process of tracking, scheduling, and reviewing regulatory compliance controls.
Jurisdiction Analyzer: A tool for Regulatory Managers to find the coverage of concepts and metrics they care for in the selected jurisdictions. The tool provides an easy way for comparing, analyzing and visually identifying the differences throughout the jurisdictions of their choice.
Support for Other Languages: The challenge was how can we show languages other than English in the product and how can we show the link between the documents that appear in more than one language.
In the above flow, the user first selects the jurisdictions of their interest, and then the product renders the related documents. The mockup supports only the jurisdictions under the contract with the company.